

HI,  I’m Jennifer Vlaicevic!  Wife, mama, Holy Yoga Instructor, writer, speaker, encourager and lover of God’s Word! Why?  Simply because It has loved me, pouring into my life unfolding freedom, peace, power, joy, confidence, trust, hope, compassion and guidance.  I have a fiery passion for sharing my life’s unearthed treasures,  these sparkling gems I hold dear, the revelations The Lord has so lovingly spoon fed my soul one lesson at time!  Simple, fun, real.  That’s what you’ll find here!  Inspiration wrapped up in my love of God’s Word, music,  food, fashion, home, travel, photography, laughter and yoga!  Come and grow with me! Let us unwrap God’s gifts together! I promise to share my heart in hopes to heal yours all the way to heaven happy!  Welcome friend!  I’m happy you’re here!

8 thoughts on “About

  1. Jennifer, this story about the man in the cathedral made me cry. There he was, dirty, tattered, with nothing. Yet, he sang out with full glee and no inhibitions, for his love and gratitude and what he knew he had in Christ. He was almost a spectacle soooooo happy and simple. We should all be praising like that each day and strive for less!!!! Less is more!!! Thank you for the beautiful story.

  2. I just wanted you to know I have read this 4 times. I can picture the sun rays on that gentle man, having low breaks here but as you say, he was ” Heaven
    Happy”. !!! Thank you for helping us stay Heaven Happy Jennifer.

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